Our company

GeneSpector, built with the goal to improve molecular diagnostics, stands on four pillars: unique technology developed by experts from the renown Charles University, expertise in in-vitro diagnostics of Generi Biotech, SPADIA Labs’ great knowledge of laboratory environment and needs, and marketing skills of ZKV Career.

We deliver unique, high-end solutions consisting of safe sample-collection system, rapid nucleic acid extraction, and fast and reliable PCR and NGS diagnostics.

GeneSpector founders


We have designed our viRNAtrap™ Collection Tubes, viRNAtrap™ Extraction Kit, PCR kit for rapid COVID-19 detection to fit the needs of any laboratory. Our system provides a robust and safe solution for high-throughput COVID-19 diagnostics. therefore, We are therefore open to expand our current customer base by partnering with global players and/or channel partners from all geographies. Get in touch with us.

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We are improving molecular diagnostics

PetrskA 1180/3 Praha 1
Czech Republic